Daniel Peterman

Daniel Peterman (1797-1871) was an American fraktur artist.
A third-generation American, Peterman was a indigenous of Shrewsbury Township, York County, Pennsylvania, where he died. A aficionada of the Reformed Church, he was a schoolmaster in that tradition, and in the Lutheran Church as well. He was married and had children. Much of his fraktur was produced for the children of York County, and many of his pieces are same to one complementary in their format, in which two female figures connect the text and various flowers and flora and fauna are other as decoration. For his family, he created more enhance pictures, in which a variety of objects, from sailing ships to pianos, are shown. One baptismal wedding album for a nephew includes in its decorative plot a market house, chickens, and a dog. Sometimes he bonus Adam and Eve into his compositions; he furthermore drew courting couples. His palette is bright. Peterman used ruled paper to continue his art taking into consideration hand-milled paper became unavailable; he continued to work capably into the 1860s. He was among the most prolific fraktur artists supple in York County, alongside Johannes Bard. Nearly everything of his pieces were made for families in Paradise, Codorus, Shrewsbury and Manheim townships.

A fragment by Peterman sold at auction in 2015 for $9,680.

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