Carlo Pietzner

Carlo Pietzner (1915-986) was a co-founder of Camphill, artist, anthroposophist, and a Special Needs and adult educator.

Pietzner was born in 1915 in Vienna. He spent his teenage years in that city in the years together with the two wars and completed his art studies at the
Kunstgewerbschule, (today the University of Applied Arts Vienna), meeting there, amongst others Robert Musil and Oskar Kokoshka. His intimates ran a photographic studio, which his sister sophisticated took over. Through his friend Peter Roth he was introduced to Dr Karl König and allied the teenage years group that had gathered as regards him. This outfit met for the last grow old in Vienna on March 11, 1938 at the get older of the Nazi occupation. The members left Austria along various routes prematurely together once again in Aberdeen and found Camphill. Carlo arrived there in 1941
and was brusquely thereafter interned in Canada. He became the Principal of Heachcot School that cared for approximately 50 extremely handicapped individuals and already there pioneered a color and buoyant therapy that he highly developed developed together once Edmund Pracht.

In 1954 he was asked to Begin the Camphill perform in Glencraig, Northern Ireland, becoming increasingly involved in the training and administrative accomplishment of the international Camphill movement. In 1961 he moved to the United States later his intimates and a little group of co-workers to plus the momentum of Camphill on that continent introduction with Camphill Village Copake. In 1963 he helped found Camphill Beaver Run focusing his attention on community proceed work, artistic bustle and lecturing.

Besides his performance in Camphill, he was active in building taking place the local and international work of the Anthroposophical Society, serving on its American Council in the 1960s and once again between 1981-1983 and supporting the founding of the Section for Curative Education and Social Therapy in Dornach, Switzerland within the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science.

In the 1970s Carlo initiated art retreats for Camphill coworkers, wrote and directed plays to build the cultural simulation of the communities, wrote books and poetry, produced a large number of paintings and sketches and took on stained glass commissions for Camphill Halls in Germany, Switzerland, Norway and supplementary countries. He provided architectural counsel for many buildings and concerned himself as soon as the artistic and broadminded formation of social and community vigor in Camphill.

Under his leadership the Camphill Association of North America was formed in 1983, which he directed until his death in 1986. He had already begun to withdraw from active involvement in Copake, making artifice for a younger generation of leaders. His lecturing and training endeavors continued along with a growing circle of links and acquaintances whatever over the world.

Caeegory:Austrian emigrants to the United States

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