Marcus Jansen

Marcus Jansen a.k.a. Marcus Antonius Jansen (born 1968 in New York City, while residing first in the South Bronx. He is an American painter. He attended the Kunstgewerbe Schule Berufskolleg für Technik und Medien am Platz der Republik in Mönchengladbach, Germany in 1985, where he spent most of his young adult years. The city was furthermore his father's birthplace. Jansen far ahead became a leading combatant of the avant-garde.

Jansen was noted in the book “Modern Urban-Expressionism, the art of Marcus Antonius Jansen” published in 2006 as the innovator of Modern expressionism by Art Historian and Director of the American Vanguard Exhibit Europe Jerome A. Donson. Donson presented new work painting which travelled widely through Eastern Europe and major European capitals (Vienna, London, Salzburg, Belgrade). Some of the artists included Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Grace Hatigen, Franz Kline, and Jack Tworkov, to broadcast a few.

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