Marietta Minnigerode Andrews

Marietta Fauntleroy Minnigerode Andrews (December 11, 1869 – August 7, 1931) was an American painter and designer.

Andrews was born Marietta Fauntleroy Minnigerode in Richmond, Virginia. Her sister Lucy Minnigerode was head of the United States Public Health Service Nursing Corps. She was of German descent, being the granddaughter of Charles Minnigerode, a chaotic who fled to the United States in the 1830s due to his advocate sentiments. She studied at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. under Eliphalet Frazer Andrews, whom she would marry in 1895. She then studied in New York City subsequently William Merritt Chase, with Luigi Chialiva of Paris, and Ernest Lieberman in Munich. Beginning in 1890 she served as an accomplice instructor at the Corcoran School. She visited Italy in 1892, and in 1896 became a founder zealot of the Washington Water Color Club.

She produced designs for the stained glass windows of St. Paul's Church in Steubenville, Ohio. Her fake may plus be found at the University of Virginia, the George Washington University, and the American Society for Psychical Research. She published several books which she illustrated herself, including My Studio Window (1928); Scraps of Paper (1929); and George Washington's Country (1930); and next created silhouettes. Andrews died at her home, Vaucluse, in Alexandria, Virginia.

A sketchbook by Andrews, along with a accretion of her drawings, was long held in the increase of the Corcoran Gallery of Art; at that institution's demise, all of these were transferred to the art museum at American University. A accrual of her papers may be found at Virginia Commonwealth University.

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