Mariette Leslie Cotton

Mariette Leslie Cotton (1866–1947) was an American player who usually gave her proclaim as Mrs. Leslie Cotton. A student of William Merritt Chase, Carolus-Duran, and Jean-Jacques Henner , she worked mainly in Paris but plus maintained studios in London and New York. By birth and marriage she possessed a level of plenty and social prestige that, together taking into consideration her artistic skill, enabled her to get your hands on lucrative commissions from prominent individuals. The portraits she painted were praised for their veracity, style, and fine technique. Their subjects included kings, aristocrats, celebrities, and members of wealthy families. Late in her career a critic wrote that her "popularity has a sealed basis, for her portraits include such abstract artistic qualities as committed and infinitely varied design and daringly forward-looking arrangements of color, with mighty characterization and a attraction that never fails to be convincing," and added, "her concern with the artistic burden never makes her obtrude her own personality or outrage the sitter's susceptibilities."

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