Richard Loving (artist)

Richard Loving (1924–2021) was an American performer and educator, primarily based in Chicago, Illinois. He gained admission in the 1980s as a believer of the "Allusive Abstractionists," an informal activity of Chicago painters, whose individual forms of organic deletion embraced evocative imagery and metaphor, counter to the dominant minimalist mode. He is most known for paintings that critics describe as metaphysical and visionary, which fake fluidly amongst abstraction and representation, personalized symbolism taking organic and geometric forms, and mayhem and order. They are often characterized by bright patterns of dotted lines and dashes, enigmatic spatial fields, and an illuminated quality. In 2010, critic James Yood wrote that Loving's work "mull beyond the possibilities of pattern and representation, of narrative and allegory" to attain a kind of wisdom, transcendence and acknowledgement of universals, "seeking harmony of self within the poetics of the innate world."

Loving's art has been exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York, Block Museum of Art, Hyde Park Art Center and Brauer Museum of Art. His put on an act belongs to the public collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, and Sharp Museum of Art, among others.

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