Robert Watson (artist)

Robert Watson (28 February 1923 – 14 December 2004) was an American artist born in Martinez, California. He is known for his paintings of complex landscapes occupied by single-handedly figures amidst ancient buildings, calm deserts and expanding oceans. Watson provided the lid art for Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, second edition, printed in 1953. This is probably his best known work.

On May 17, 1997, Watson had a 50-year retrospective feint at the Weinstein Gallery in San Francisco, California. Mayor Willie Brown proclaimed that day "Robert Watson Day".

Watson's works can be found in galleries not far-off off from the world and are owned by celebrities and dignitaries such as Burt Reynolds, Vincent Price, and the Duchess of Windsor.

Watson died at the age of 81 in Poway, California after a brief struggle in the same way as cancer.

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